In the United Kingdom, flights of uncrewed aircraft (previously known as unmanned aircraft) around aerodromes that are designated as ‘protected aerodromes’ are restricted. Uncrewed aircraft of any size must not be flown within the Flight Restriction Zone (FRZ) of a protected aerodrome, without appropriate permission. 

The Flight Restriction Zone consists of the following three elements: 

  • zone with the same dimensions as the Aerodrome Traffic Zone which is either 2 or 2.5 nautical mile radius ‘cylinder’ around the aerodrome, extending 2000 ft above ground level, centred on the longest runway. 

  • Runway Protection Zones: A rectangle extending 5km from the threshold of each runway away from the aerodrome, along the extended runway centreline, and 500m either side - also to a height of 2000 ft above ground level. 

  • Additional Zones: In the case where a line that is drawn 1km beyond the boundary of an aerodrome extends beyond the Aerodrome traffic zone, and so would not be protected by it, the flight restriction zone will include a ‘bump’ (the airfield boundary + 1km) to protect this part of the aerodrome. 

Flight restriction zone diagram


The exact shape of the Flight Restriction Zone varies depending on the specific aerodrome that it protects. Prior to flight, remote pilots should check to ensure that they are operating outside of these areas, which you can do on dronesafetymap.comOperator Portal or Drone Assist or request permission to enter the FRZ.  

The list of protected aerodromes also includes heliports, these only comprise the circular (ATZ) portion of the FRZ (and additional zones where applicable), and do not include runway protection zones. 

In the case of a protected aerodrome without an ATZ, the FRZ includes an ATZ shaped FRZ, with a 2nm radius (regardless of the runway length). 

Permission must be obtained from the relevant authority before an uncrewed aircraft may fly within a Flight Restriction Zone. 

Through our apps and services, we identify the relevant authority for each FRZ in the UK.  Where an aerodrome has deployed Altitude Angel's GuardianUTM, then this acts as the mechanism by which you can request permission to fly inside the FRZ on a streamlined, digital platform. 

 White Waltham Airfield Flight Restriction Zone on Drone Safety Map

Where can I find airspace restrictions for Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS)?  

Drone Assist, the drone planning app by Altitude Angel, offers an interactive sky map used by general aviation, balloon pilots, and other airspace users. It provides insights into areas to avoid or where extreme caution is advised, along with ground hazards posing safety, security, or privacy risks during drone flights.

Additionally, it features a 'Fly Now' functionality, enabling users to share their drone flight location with other app users and the broader drone community, ensuring safe and enjoyable flights.

Drone Assist is available on the App Store and Google Play store.


The airspace data layers are continuously updated in real time, ensuring access to up-to-the-minute information regarding the safety and legality of any designated area, including the latest NOTAMs (Notice to Air Missions).


Airspace Access Reporting

If you have been denied access to a portion of UK airspace, and feel that your request was not considered appropriately, you can  report this to the CAA. 


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