Drone Assist: Frequently Asked Questions

Our most frequently asked questions can be found below:

Can I plan flights beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) using Drone Assist?

Regulations will not allow you to fly Beyond Visual Line Of Sight (BVLOS). Drone Assist can help you safely plan your flights and if you use the radius drawing tool, that will give you a 500-metre area of operation to help you keep your drone in your line of sight. But this is ultimately your responsibility as an operator.

Does Drone Assist provide real-time weather updates?

Yes, Drone Assist offers weather reports to help you understand flying conditions when you are ready to fly. We currently show the weather “now” as default, but you can look 1 hour ahead also. We always recommend checking the weather at the time of starting your flight to ensure it is safe to fly.

Can I create and save flight routes for future use?

In Drone Assist, once you have filled a flight plan you can open it in the “My Plans” section. Once you have reopened this, you will see 3 dots next to “Start Flight”. If you click here and select the Duplicate Plan option, it will copy your plan details and you can then edit the parts of that plan you wish to change, such as day and time.

Is there a desktop version available for the flight planning tool?

We have our Operator Portal which is designed for you to pre-plan your operations on your desktop. You can submit your flight plan in Operator Portal, then use the mobile app to start your flight plan when you are ready and set up for your drone operation to commence.

How accurate is the map data you provide?

Spanning over 152 countries and providing accurate, real-time weather, aeronautical and ground hazards information, Altitude Angel's map data is trusted by emergency services, drone pilots and aviators around the world to give them the best planning data available.

Can I export the flight plans to a specific drone controller or autopilot system?

Drone Assist is designed to be your companion for your drone operations. It currently does not integrate directly with another control or application. We recommend it is used to supplement your drone flights and to efficiently plan your drone operations.

Are there any restrictions or no-fly zones integrated into the tool's database?

Our maps have multiple filters for you to choose from, which allow you to clearly see where you can fly safely. You can choose to toggle on various filters, to see things such as No Fly Zones, CRZs, Approval zones and more.

Does the flight planning tool support multiple drones?

On Drone Assist, you can set up your profile, including pilot details and aircraft details. You can add multiple airframes which are then saved to your profile, so you can then select the relevant drone for each individual flight.

Why should I submit flight plans?

One of the keys to unlocking the skies for everyone is being clear about what operations are being flown in what location to integrate drones, rather than segregate them.


Having flight plans submitted in Drone Assist is a responsible way to share your flight plans with other airspace users. It is also a great way for you to ensure compliance and gain approvals where required via our digital approval services in UTM-enabled zones.

What is the difference between Create Flight Plan and Fly Now?

Create Flight Plan is designed for more accurate drone operation plans. With more detailed drawing tools, you can choose to create your plan with waypoints, polygons, and radius, or upload a file. You can also select the locations, days and times. Fly Now in comparison has been built to quickly get your drone in the air. When selecting Fly Now, Drone Assist creates a 500m radius plan around you, selects your default drone, and automatically schedules the flight to happen right away.

What is a UTM Ready Zone?

UTM Ready refers to controlled airspace or land access areas where approval managers use compatible digital solutions integrated with Altitude Angel’s platform. This allows drone operators to submit digital approval requests, which are then received by approval managers. This streamlined process enables efficient, auditable electronic communication between both parties. 

What is UTM?

Altitude Angel adopts the term "Unified Traffic Management (UTM)" to encompass a broader scope compared to the industry's commonly used "Uncrewed Traffic Management." UTM represents a suite of services enabling safe integration and operation of all aircraft within lower airspace.

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