Intuitive airspace management for airports, ports, landowners, and infrastructure managers

GuardianUTM is a cloud-based SaaS solution that enables airspace managers to quickly approve or decline drone operations in their skies. For landowners, it provides a simple way to manage access for drone takeoff and landing (TOAL) - all through a digital portal.

The platform is a scalable solution.  It can be, and is, used as part of the airspace management of busy international airports, ports operating ship-to-shore deliveries, by a power station to manage daily drone inspections, a stately home to manage land access for occasional filming requests, to nature reserves wanting to influence drone operations during specific seasons to protect wildlife. 

Whatever your needs, GuardianUTM can be scaled to fit. 


Read our datasheet
GuardianUTM approval services requests screen in Altitude Angel platform


Cover overheads with Approval Services

The Approval Services feature allows you, as the airspace or land access manager, the opportunity to recover the overheads incurred in managing drone operations via a built-in payment platform. The platform has flexibility, so you can set multiple rate cards depending on the level of complexity or differing levels of service you want to offer. 


Read our feature list

GuardianUTM approval requests list in Altitude Angel platform


Standardising airspace approvals

An increasing number of airports trust Altitude Angel’s GuardianUTM to streamline and standardise drone approval procedures. By reducing inefficiencies in time and resources, GuardianUTM enhances safety, improves compliance, and ensures a more consistent approach to managing drone operations in controlled airspace. 


Find out about our UTM Ready Programme
Plane taking off at airport runway


Landowners can say yes to drones

From conversations with landowners, we’ve found some are reluctant to allow drone flights in their location due to security concerns and a desire to protect historic buildings or the public.

Helping landowners designate takeoff and landing zones on their property allows some influence over where flights take place. This not only provides better visibility of who is flying, when, and why but also makes it easier for drone operators to fly safely with all the information they need.

With our system, landowners can approve land access manually or automate permissions through a customised workflow. We’ll set up your land access ‘zone’ so drone operators can easily identify where to request TOAL access, using our industry-leading drone planning solutions.


Read our frequently asked questions

Creating a flight in drone assist ios