Cutting Edge Detect And Avoid Solution

At the forefront of drone technology Altitude Angel's ARROW is a state-of-the-art Detect-And-Avoid (DAA) Solution. This cutting-edge technology fuses input from a sophisticated array of sensors located on ARROW masts, to give an unparalleled view of the sky encompassing both cooperative and non-cooperative aircraft, crewed and uncrewed. 

Conflict risk detected ARROW graphic


Enabling Beyond Visual Line of Sight Operations

ARROW is designed to enable drone operators to conduct Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations in uncontrolled airspace.  Fusing sensor feeds received from ARROW masts into Altitude Angel’s overarching GuardianUTM platform the ARROW network creates full situational awareness of air traffic, ensuring safe and efficient operations for a variety of drone applications.

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fixed wing drone


Addressing Challenges for BVLOS Operations

ARROW addresses previous challenges associated with BVLOS operations in uncontrolled airspace. It plays a crucial role in facilitating services such as medical delivery, surveys, and the scaling and automation of drone services that demand a robust DAA Solution. 

drone flying near pylon



Self-Sufficient ARROW Masts for Uninterrupted Operations


The beauty of ARROW masts lies in their self-sufficiency. Unlike other setups, these masts, including the temporary ones, come equipped with their own power supply and internet capabilities. This independence ensures reliability and flexibility, as ARROW masts don't rely on external electricity or internet sources.

Mobile setup of ARROW masts