Skyway: Frequently Asked Questions

Our most frequently asked questions can be found below:

Are Skyway and ARROW the same thing?

Skyway is the term we use for ‘drone superhighways’ in the sky, specifically the superhighways being built using Altitude Angel’s ARROW technology.  Skyways are the enabled routes, ARROW the foundational technology and infrastructure on which they are built. 

What do I need to use a Skyway enabled superhighway?

You can access an ARROW enabled Skyway superhighway or zone by choosing one of the following integration options.  The quickest and simplest is our CONNECT application, a middleware solution that creates connectivity between Skyway and supported Ground Control Stations (GCS), or by writing your own software integration against our Skyway APIs.

What are my responsibilities as a drone operator when using Skyway?

Skyway does not exempt you from regulations. You must follow the laws in your country, ensure proper registration and approved operational safety case, insurance, and necessary permits for commercial work. 

How is my operation kept safe during flights?

Before you fly, Skyway employs a multistep safety protocol: 


  • Deconfliction of flight plans occurs against known flights, not only within Skyway but also through the global Altitude Angel Network. 

  • As you fly, Skyway scans the horizon up to 8-10 km around you, creating a real-time picture of aerial traffic. The primary focus is on detecting crewed aviation, whether electronically conspicuous or not. 

  • Skyway predicts the trajectory of detected traffic, similar to the Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) on commercial airliners. If potential conflicts are foreseen, Skyway initiates a Traffic Advisory, providing you with real-time positions of nearby aircraft. This information is for your situational awareness, and no instructions are sent during this phase. 

  • Skyway escalates to a Resolution Advisory only if the path of conflicting aircraft is predicted to intersect your Protection Region. This is a designated safety zone, and Skyway actively guides your drone away from other aircraft to ensure continuous separation.

  • Skyway's day-to-day operations are overseen and staffed by fully qualified Remote Pilots with extensive experience. The ARROW control centre provides constant human in the loop oversight. ARROW Supervisors are primarily supervisory but can intervene and issue digital Traffic Advisories or Resolutions as necessary. The Skyway fee covers direct access to the ARROW control centre during your flights, allowing communication with a Supervisor. 

When using the Skyway, how do I operate outside the existing corridor?

When you submit your flight plan to Skyway, we'll identify the entry point where our system starts providing separation assurance. Additionally, we'll determine the nearest departure point to your intended destination. Throughout your flight, our system stays in continuous contact with your ground control station. As you approach your planned departure point, you must confirm your disconnection from our automated separation service. 


The transition to manual control by your Remote Pilot(s) happens at the departure point. If you haven't confirmed your departure, our system interprets this as an unexpected situation that could escalate. In response, we'll engage with your control station to address and resolve the potential emergency as safely as possible.

What communication can I expect during the flight?

Primary communication is through our data integration or the CONNECT application. Most flights result in no direct intervention, but if conflicts arise, Traffic Advisories and communication with the Skyway Supervisor may occur. 

What is the deconfliction process?

Deconfliction involves Traffic Advisories, digital communication, and possible interventions by a Skyway Supervisor, including voice communication when needed.


Additionally, you'll maintain two-way communication with the ARROW control centre.

Where can I use the Skyway service?

You can fly where-ever there is Skyway coverage.  Skyway superhighways or coverage zones expand where there is demand.

I’m a recreational or other commercial drone pilot, how am I affected by Skyway?

Recreational pilots are not impacted by Skyway superhighways or zones. However, as with all recreational operations, standard regulations must be adhered to, and visual line of sight maintained during flightIt is recommended to submit your flight plan using one of Altitude Angel's flight planning tools (such as Drone, or Operator Portal) to ensure visibility on the Skyway ARROW platform.

I'm a GA pilot, what changes for me?

The Skyway superhighways do not necessitate airspace closures or the use of transponders for general aviation. The existing procedures for GA operations remain unchanged, as Skyway ensures deconfliction between drones and other airspace users. 

How can my organisation set up as a delivery/pick-up point?

If your organisation would benefit from or is considering establishing infrastructure for commercial drone operations—whether for specific activities or to explore communal landing and recharge points, including Vertiports—please reach out to us. We're actively seeking partnerships to expand our network and facilitate directed take-offs and landings.

Who do I contact for more information on accessing Skyway?

Contact the Altitude Angel team at

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