Ensure safety, compliance and standardised drone approvals


Altitude Angel is at the forefront of Unified Traffic Management (UTM), sometimes referred to as uncrewed or unmanned traffic management. Our GuardianUTM SaaS solutions are used by airports and aerodromes to manage Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle (UAV, also known as drone) operations in their airspace. 

GuardianUTM Approval Services is a digital permissioning platform designed to increase efficiency when approving drone flights in controlled airspace.  The platform enables airspace managers to review, approve, decline or request modifications—all within a single interface.  In addition, it maintains a comprehensive audit trail of communications and decisions, ensuring transparency for all stakeholders.  

An increasing number of airports rely on Altitude Angel’s GuardianUTM Approval Services to standardise approval procedures. This standardisation and elimination of inefficiencies in time and resource, enhances safety and compliance within drone operations. 

"As the Irish Aviation Authority, Air Navigation Service Provider Manager for Airspace and Navigation, I was hugely impressed with the Altitude Angel offering, as a solution for the provision of U-Space services. The strength of the product is not purely the technology but is equally matched by the Altitude Angel team's professional approach to all aspects of U-Space and in addressing all interested stakeholders input."

Cathal MacCriostail, Irish Aviation Authority

What our customers say:


"Getting GuardianUTM Approval Services changed the game completely. Straightforward applications take significantly less time. Even ones with issues are much easier and faster"

Matthew Rice, Heliport Manager at London Heliport

"We want to make it as easy as possible for drone operators to request permission to fly within the ATZ (Aerodrome Traffic Zone). We want to reassure everyone that we work with drone operators, rather than against them, to ensure the safety of passengers that are travelling to and from the airport"

Ben Spiers, Head of Safety and Compliance at London Biggin Hill Airport

Key benefits

From small airstrips to large international airports, Approval Services helps users to: 

  • Visualise drone activity in the restricted airport area (ATZ, CTR, or FRZ)

  • Provide both manual and automated drone flight approvals

  • Facilitate seamless communication with cooperative drone pilots

  • Simplify approval processes for drone operators, promoting compliance and safety

  • Join a network of airports implementing standardised approval procedures

  • Recover administration costs via the platform's payment portal

  • Integrate data from various CounterUAS sensors into a unified platform

Drone approvals at Leeds East airport on Dronesafetymap.com

Case studies

Discover the transformative impact of Altitude Angel’s GuardianUTM platform on enhancing safety and relieving pressure on resources at airports and aerodromes.


Read how our Approval Services streamline drone permissioning while enabling administration cost recovery.  

View our case studies

London Heliport

UTM Ready Programme

Introducing a UK initiative aimed at standardising approvals for drone operations. Using Altitude Angel's flight planning tools, airports and aerodromes are categorised into one of three 'UTM Readiness' levels: 

  • UTM Ready: Full digital approvals available

  • Basic: No integration with GuardianUTM, electronic notification sent

  • Legacy: No digital means of communication 

This standardisation of drone approval processes significantly enhances safety and compliance standards aiding the safeguarding efforts of controlled airspace and its users.

Visit our UTM Ready page


Airport air traffic tower


GuardianUTM Approval Services provides flexibility tailored to the unique requirements of various airports. In addition to the standard feature set, additional feature packs are available for inclusion.


Read our feature list 

GuardianUTM approval service request screen for drone operations


GuardianUTM Approval Services is highly configurable and hosted in a secure and stable cloud environment. As a Software as a Service (SaaS) product, it continuously evolves to meet the needs of the industry. It can be deployed quickly and our highly regarded customer success team collaborates closely with you to ensure success. 

Read our frequently asked questions

Read our datasheet

London Heliport UTM Ready in Dronesafetymap.com

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